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Monday, January 3, 2011

Adverts - Top Rank, Sheffield 8-19-79

This one is upped by request. I love the Adverts so certainly don't mind posting this for everyone that wants it. This show is especially interesting for two reasons. One is that they play most of the songs from the second album and the songs from the first album they play have the addition of keyboards. So, can you imagine what Gary Gilmore's Eyes sounds like with keyboards? It is a little different but I like it. The second reason is that there is no guitarist at all on this show. They play with just bass, drums, keyboards, vocals. I don't think you'll hear the Adverts sound like this anywhere else. Still sounds like a good show. It was recorded from the audience so sounds not perfect but surely worth a listen just to hear these songs in a slightly different way.

01. The Adverts
02. Back From The Dead
03. Male Assault
04. Fate Of Criminals
05. I Looked At The Sun
06. Television's Over
07. I Surrender
08. Bombsite Boy
09. New Church
10. Love Songs
11. Gary Gilmore's Eyes
12. No Time To Be 21
13. My Place
14. Cast Of Thousands
15. I Will Walk You Home
16. One Chord Wonders
17. The Adverts


  1. Adverts were great....did you see Brennende with The Adverts (i think you do...if not ?........Get it)

    Thanks for these recordings

  2. Topper, I do have Brennende Langeweile on DVD but without subtitles. My German isn't good enough to understand everything that is going on but I can watch the Adverts parts.

  3. Cheers Nuzz! It's a bit odd hearing The Adverts without the guitar, but it's raw and interesting at the same time.
