Here's another Dickies show from the excellent year of 1983. This one is a radio broadcast and the sound quality is very good.
setlist [from cassette tape]
01. intro
02. Nights In White Satin
03. You Drive Me Ape (You Big Gorilla)
04. Pretty Please Me
05. Sound of Silence
06. Poodle Party
07. Fan Mail
08. She's A Hunchback
09. Jim Bowie
10. She
11. (I'm Stuck in a Pagoda With) Tricia Toyota
12. Mental Ward
13. Manny, Moe & Jack
14. Gigantor
15. Banana Splits (The Tra La La Song)
16. I'm OK, You're OK
17. Communication Breakdown
18. outro
awesome show. I wuz there !